Quality Assurance & Testing

Are you sick of being handed buggy software at the end of the project?

We resolve real issues before they become expensive to change

Our key strategy in reducing defects, both in the user interface and in the application logic, is to request feedback from the customer as early as possible. During early development stages, we record short screencasts that demonstrate feature progress.

 Then, we deploy working software (even for a limited feature set) to a test environment for clients to use. Early feedback allows for changes and a greater understanding of the product before change becomes difficult.

Beyond that, there are several layers of testing that can be done, which are usually determined by cost and project requirements:

  • Our developers unit test the features they implement.
  • For larger projects or mission critical or those likely to change frequently, we will use automated testing.
  • Our team lead on a project, works regularly hands-on, so they review and test the software raising defects found while working on the project.
  • Full-time, dedicated testers are deployed subject to agreed budget.

We will work with you early and often to ensure a high-quality application.